Balochistan Assembly Adopts Two Resolutions

ISLAMABAD, March 16, 2015: The Balochistan Assembly adopted two resolutions amid low attendance of lawmakers during 9th (last) sitting of its 16th session on Monday, says Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) in its daily factsheet.

The sitting started 30 minutes behind the schedule with 14 lawmakers (22%) present at the start and 22 (34%) at the time of adjournment. The Leader of the House did not attend the sitting, while the Opposition Leader was present for entire sitting.

Tabled by PkMAP lawmaker, the House unanimously adopted a resolution to condemn church bombings at Yuhannabad, Lahore and demanded the arrest of perpetrators.

Nine lawmakers- PkMAP and JUI-F (3 each), NP (2) and JUI-F (one)- took part in the debate that continued for 65 minutes.

Another resolution tabled by Minister for Health was approved by the House, allowing the Parliament under article 144 of Constitution to enact a law for regulating matters relating to drugs.

Members’ Participation in House Proceedings

  • The Balochistan Assembly met for two hours and 20 minutes.
  • The sitting started at 1630 hours against the scheduled time of 1600 hours.
  • Fourteen lawmakers (22%) were present at the start and 22 (34%) at the time of adjournment.
  •  A maximum of 26 lawmakers (40%) were present at one point of the sitting.
  • The Speaker chaired the entire sitting while Deputy Speaker was absent.
  • The Leader of the House did not attend the sitting while the Opposition Leader was present for the entire sitting.
  • The parliamentary leaders of JUI-F, PML and PkMAP attended the sitting.
  • Two minority members were present.
  • Two members applied for leave.


  • Tabled by PkMAP lawmaker, the House unanimously adopted a resolution to condemn church bombings at Yuhannabad Lahore, and demanded arrest of the perpetrators.
  • Another resolution tabled by Minister for Health was approved by the House, allowing the Parliament under article 144 of Constitution to enact a law for regulating matters relating to drugs.

Representation and Responsiveness

  • The House passed an amendment motion regarding membership of two lawmakers in two Standing Committees.

Order and Institutionalization

  • Eight points of order consumed 12 minutes of the sitting.


  • ‘Orders of the Day’ was available to the legislators, observers and others.

To download the document, click here

This daily factsheet is based on direct observation of the Balochistan Assembly proceedings conducted by Center for Peace and Development (CPD) – a member organization of FAFEN. Errors and omissions are excepted.