Date : Dec 5, 2022
Project : EQUIP
Action : Reference
Description of Actions :
Effort :
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Type :
Type :
Relevance of Action to Project/Institutional Outcome :
Ministry/Department/Court :
Reference : FAFEN Mention (Article, TV – Partner Organization Coverage)
Type of Media : Print
Electronic Media :
Print Media : Newspaper
Online Media :
Name : The News
Type of Coverage :
Type of Coverage : News
Type of Coverage :
Title of Story : Fafen data confirms 2018 election rigging: PPP
Summary : KARACHI: The PPP Senator Taj Haider, Incharge of the Central Election Cell, said the Fafen data on the Forms 45 vindicates the party stand that its polling agents were forcibly removed from the polling agents during the vote count and were not allowed to sign the Form 45 which is a blatant, and gross violation of section 90(12) of the Election Act 2017.
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