A report based on data collected from offices of 88 district police officers across Pakistan in May 2013
ISLAMABAD, 31st October 2013: Forced marriages registered a high increase from 324 cases in February to 403 in May 2013- an increase of 24%. Faisalabad with 43 cases was the highest reporting district of this crime, followed by Rahimyar Khan (39 cases) and Vehari (31) says a Free and Fair Election (FAFEN) report released on Thursday.
FAFEN governance monitors visited 88 offices of district police officers in May and reported a total of 985 FIRs of crimes relating to women. Of these, around one-fifth (219) were cases of rape which went up 46% as compared to February when 150 such cases were recorded. Moreover, 21% were cases of attack on modest, 3% of honour killings and 2% of insult to modesty.
A total of 33,705 cases were recorded in 88 districts during the reporting month. Two fifths of these cases were of crimes pertaining to property and one-fifth of crimes involving physical harm. Six percent were of threat and fraud crimes and 2% of crimes committed against women.
Out of 7,104 cases of crimes pertaining to property, 38% were of theft in 67 districts, the most of which were in Lahore (597 cases), distantly followed by district Malir (270) and Faisalabad (238). Twenty one percent were cases of robbery and dacoity, 20% of motor vehicle lifting and 11% of motor vehicle snatching. Eight percent were cases of extortion.
There were 4,279 cases of physical harm of which hurt was the most frequent (46% of the total physical harm cases) and murder the most widely reported (76 districts). Twenty two percent of the total cases in the category were of murder and 24% were of attempted murder. Â Of the accidental deaths, 4% were cases of qatl-e-khata and 1% of qatl-bis-sabab.
Moreover, 2,025 FIRs were filed for threat and fraud crimes. More than half of these were of counterfeiting currency, followed by 18% of criminal breach of trust and 15% of cheating. Seven percent of these cases were of criminal intimidation and offences against public tranquility.
Among regions, the highest number of crime cases was recorded in Punjab (67%) while 16% were in KP, 15% in Sindh and 2% in Balochistan.
A high crime rate in Punjab does not necessarily mean a high crime rate; wider coverage of districts in the region, higher trust of people on the law enforcing agencies and lack of parallel judicial system can be the probable reasons for high crime reportage.