ISLAMABAD, Sept 8: A FAFEN crime monitoring report on Thursday said around one-fifth of the FIRs registered in 66 districts across the country in June this year were about thefts, car lifting, and robberies and dacoities.
The report said out of the total 39,497 registered FIRs, 7,204 (18%) were about cases of thefts, stealing of vehicles, and robberies. On average, 109 FIRs were registered against these crimes in each of the 66 monitored districts.
FAFEN monitors collected statistics about registered FIRs against 27 offences covered by Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) from the 66 offices of district police officers (DPOs) in June 2011. Of the monitored districts, 28 were in Punjab, 17 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), 13 Sindh, seven Balochistan and one in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
The report said 13% of the total 39,497 FIRs registered 66 districts were of crimes involving physical harm, including attempted murder, hurt, and murder. As many as 1,350 cases of attempted murder, 838 murder and 2,304 FIRs of hurt were reported in 65, 63 and 61 districts respectively.
It said Lahore reported the highest – 380 – cases of attempted murder but Karachi registered the most FIRs – 63 – related to murder in a district in June this year. “The ethnic and political strife in Karachi may be a pertinent reason behind increased cases of killings,” it said.
Region wise, 91% of the total FIRs against threat and fraud crimes was registered in Punjab, 5% in Sindh, 3% in KP and 1% in Balochistan. No FIR was reportedly registered against any threat and fraud crime in ICT. Cheating, counterfeiting of currency-notes and criminal breach of trust remained were reported in 35, 32 and 30 districts respectively.
During June 2011, 994 (3% of the total 39,497) FIRs were registered for crimes against women, including forced marriages, honour killings and rape, in the monitored districts. Out of the FIRs registered in crimes against women, 79% were registered in Punjab followed by 13% in Sindh, 4% in KP, 3% in Balochistan and 2% in ICT.
The ten most frequently reported crimes, including theft, hurt, motor vehicle theft, counterfeiting currency notes, robbery and dacoity, attempted murder and murder, constituted 35% of the overall crime caseload.
Offences of attempted murder, hurt, murder, theft, and robbery and dacoity were the most widespread – reported in 65, 63, 61, 57 and 44 districts respectively. Nearly one-fourth (24%) of the FIRs registered nationwide in June 2011 were filed with police in Lahore district. It was followed by Faisalabad (10%), Peshawar (5%), Multan (4%) and Kasur (4%).
About FAFEN:
FAFEN is a network of 42 civil society organizations working to foster democratic accountabilities in Pakistan. It is governed by the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability.