Ongoing Projects

Sr. No.

Name Of Project

Focus of Project

Beginning Date

Ending Date

1 Supporting Transparency, Accountability and Electoral Processes in Pakistan (STAEP) To enhance the effectiveness of government in addressing the critical challenges now facing Pakistan by increasing citizen’s participation in ensuring transparency and accountability. September 01, 2009 November 30, 2013

Parliament Watch and Reforms Project

The project builds on FAFEN’s existing parliamentary observation, and expand its scope to include all aspects of parliamentary functioning and performance including that of its Standing Committees and support services, bring it in line with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Framework and extend the duration of its existing observation up to December 2014. The project aims to enhance public interest in and access to parliamentary information and observation findings through an elaborate advocacy and dissemination plan which will have a dedicated web portal as its centerpiece

August 18, 2012

December 17, 2014

3 Long Term Election Observation and Oversight in Pakistan (LTEOOP) To strengthen democratic institutions and practices through greater public trust in transparent and accountable electoral processes and enforcement of election laws leads to greater trust of political parties and people. December 21, 2012 June 20, 2014
4 Citizen Voice Project (CVP) To improve engagement between citizen and government on priority Program-supported initiatives to good governance objectives. May 27, 2011 May 26, 2016
5 Election Violence Monitoring (EVM) To collect data from media and field sources on incidents of election-related violence between January 11, 2013 and May 11, 2013, based on which it will produce a general report on violence in the General Assembly Elections of 2013 as well as a thematic report on “triggers” of election violence. The project also produced television programs highlighting the risk of election violence in selected districts, prior to Election Day. May 01, 2013 December 31, 2013