Senate Discusses Private Schools’ Fee Raise, Building Regulations

ISLAMABAD, September 15, 2017: The Senate took up two Calling Attention Notices on Friday regarding recent increase in the tuition fees of private educational institutions and violation of building regulations in Islamabad, observes Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN).

Following are key observations of the proceedings during fifth sitting of 267th  session:

 Members’ Participation

  • The Senate met for three hours and 20 minutes.
  • The sitting started at the scheduled time of 1000 hours.
  • The Chairman presided over the entire sitting while the Deputy Chairman was not present.
  • The Leader of the House attended the sitting for two hours and 32 minutes while the Leader of the Opposition was not present.
  • Prime Minister did not attend the sitting.
  • Nine members (10%) were present at the outset and 12 (11%) at the adjournment of the sitting.
  • The parliamentary leaders of MQM, BNP-M, PkMAP, NP and PML-F attended the sitting.
  • Three minority Senators attended the sitting.

Representation and Responsiveness

  • The House took up five out of 17 Starred Questions for answers during the proceedings. In addition, 11 supplementary questions were asked.
  • The House took up two Calling Attention Notices (CANs) regarding unlawful increase in monthly tuition fee by private schools in Islamabad and non-implementation of the building codes and civic regulations by Capital Development Authority. The Minister for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) replied to both notices. The Chair constituted an eight-member committee to look in to the issue of implementation of building codes in Islamabad.
  • The House continued the discussion on a motion of thanks to the President for his address to the Parliament. Ten lawmakers participated in the discussion consuming an hour and 30 minutes.

Order and Institutionalization

  • Nine Lawmakers spoke on Points of Public Importance consuming 31 minutes of the proceedings.
  • The Chair suspended the proceedings for eight minutes due to absence of the Minister for CADD to answer CANs.


  • Orders of the Day was available to the legislators, observers and public.
  • Attendance of lawmakers is available on the website.

This daily factsheet is based on direct observation of the Senate proceedings conducted by Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN). Errors and omissions are excepted.