National Assembly Attendance Report Card – 12th Session

ISLAMABAD, February 12, 2025: As many as 36 (11 percent) Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) attended all sittings, whereas 35 (11 percent) did not attend any sitting during the 12th session of the National Assembly that spanned over nine sittings between January 13 and 23, 2025. Following are key highlights of the report:

  • The ninth (last) sitting had the highest number of MNAs (241 or 68 percent) present during the session, coinciding with the passage of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Bill, 2025.
  • The fifth sitting had the lowest number of MNAs (117 or 37 percent) present. The sitting had to be adjourned due to lack of quorum.
  • MNAs from ICT were more regular than MNAs from other regions as all of them attended the entire session.
  • As many as 277 MNAs (82 percent) skipped at least one sitting during the session.
  • As Many as 96 MNAs (35 percent) submitted applications for leave of absence during the session.
  • As many as 181 MNAs (65 percent) skipped the House proceedings without any formal leave application in advance.
  • Among the ministers, the Federal Minister for Housing and Works was the only one to have attended all (100 percent) sittings.
  • Prime Minister attended two (15 percent) sittings while the Leader of the Opposition attended all (100 percent) sittings.

Click here to download the complete report.